The Ensemble Studio Theatre collaborates with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to develop and produce full-length and one-act plays and musicals that address the questions and dilemmas faced by "hard" scientists. The Ensemble Studio Theatre/Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Science & Technology Project is designed to stimulate artists to create credible and compelling work exploring the worlds of science and technology and to challenge existing stereotypes of scientists and engineers in the popular imagination.
Amount: Up to $10,000
Date due: November 30, 2009
Commissions will be awarded to individuals, groups, and creative teams for full-length and one-act plays and musicals. The project is open to a broad range of topics related to the issues, people, ideas, processes, leading-edge discoveries, inventions, and/or history of the "hard" sciences and technology. Works about psychology, human behavior, medical conditions, victims of disease, and science fiction will not be considered.